Christ's Way Baptist Church is located at 3885 Copperfield Drive (Bryan, Texas). It is directly across from Alton Bowen Elementary and Tiffany Park.
Sunday morning worship service is at 11am.
Wear what is comfortable to you!
As you enter, you will be greeted by one of our friendly ushers. They will hand you a bulletin where you will find the order of service and our upcoming activities.
During our worship service, we exalt and sing praises to the Lord through music led by our worship team. After our time of worship, children are dismissed to children's church before the sermon. The pastor brings the message through expository preaching. The points of the sermon will be on the screen and a sermon notes handout, included in the bulletin, makes it easy to in order to follow along with preaching of God's Word.
Nursery is available during our worship service. Children from 4 years old to 1st grade are dismissed to Children's Church. Children in 2nd and 3rd grade are given a "Children's Worship Binder" which includes engaging activities and promotes active listening during the sermon.
Our mission at Christ's Way is to:
Exalt Christ.
Evangelize the lost.
Edify the church.
Equip the saints for the work in the ministry.
Extend the love of Jesus through missions and outreach.
Our vision at Christ's Way is...
To see the people of Bryan/College Station forever changed by the Gospel of Jesus and holding dear to Him as their source of all joy and worth.
Christ's Way's Core Values:
Commitment- we value commitment in regular attendance, faithful giving, and consistent dedicated involvement.
Excellence- we value excellence (not perfection) in life and ministry as the only attitude that honors God.
Leadership- we value the equipping of people to lead, succeed, and increase their influence within our church and community.
Culture- we value a vibrant, positive, loving, and exciting church atmosphere.
Relevance- we value ministry that is current, helpful in life, socially significant, and age relevant, focusing on the interests and needs of people.
Teamwork- we value teamwork that promotes unity and a shared purpose.
Wisdom- we value the pursuit of wisdom through the Word of God.
We would love to hear from you! Call us at 979.776.5000 or email us at